


TerminalManager は、あらゆるターミナル操業と商業活動を管理する Emerson の次世代のソフトウェア製品です。 TerminalManager により、契約と注文の遂行、在庫管理、インボイス作成、液体炭化水素の会計測定のためのコマーシャルマネジメントの一連の OTC(Order to Cash)はもちろんのこと、オペレータはトラック、レール、バージへの積込作業と積卸作業の管理と最適化ができるようになります。


  • ターミナルの完全な可視性
  • 積込作業を合理化
  • 決算の迅速化
  • 顧客満足度の向上
  • Automation from entry to exit allows a facility to operate completely unmanned with site access to product offload handled by drivers.
  • Accurate inventory tracking provides the information needed for planning and operations and customer position reporting.
  • Automatic distribution of tailored operational reports allows operators to easily reconcile crude offload data, such as picked-up versus offloaded product.
  • Easy-to-use, reliable system provides flexibility and supports additional growth as a terminal expands.
  • Industry-tailored solution provides custom-level functionality with a commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) product that is easier to support and upgrade.
