Emerson-P-Meter Tube Inspection and Recertification Service

Meter Tube Inspection and Recertification Service


Protect your assets, reduce uncertainty and minimize the cost of ownership. Emerson’s Field Engineers use the latest in borescope technology to ensure that meter tubes and devices are cleaned and recertified to meet industry requirements.


Even the finest meters with the best available flow conditioning equipment and best design configuration can’t escape the inevitable: internal meter tube build-up, meter component damage, and installation problems that contribute to measurement uncertainty. A slight coating build-up from product residue on the inside of a meter or meter tube can affect measurement uncertainty by over 1%. Such uncertainty can be more costly than ever in terms of lost and unaccounted for product.

Emerson’s Inspection and Recertification Service is the ideal remedy for internal meter tube build-up, component damage and installation problems. With this service, a certified Emerson Field Engineer will inspect your metering system using the latest in borescope technology and take the necessary steps to ensure the meter tubes and devices are cleaned and recertified to meet the requirements of AGA3/API 14.3 or any other measurement standard.
