Mining Application

Leachate Isolation

Maximize uptime in your leaching operations with enduring isolation valve technology designed to excel in corrosive media.
Thickener Underflow Isolation

Ensure Environmental Protection With Corrosive Media Isolation

In the solvent extraction (SX) process, there is a continuous flow of leachate from leach pads to the SX plant. Isolation valves are installed on these lines to isolate the leaching solution, raffinate, and/or pregnant solution for maintenance purposes. Valves must resist the corrosive media and perform on demand with zero leakage isolation to secure the safety of personnel and the environment.

クリックして続きを読む Ensure Environmental Protection With Corrosive Media Isolation

Expert Insights

Adopting New Tailings Standards for Mine Sustainability Podcast

In this podcast, Emerson’s Steve Brewer joins me to discuss some of the challenges in addressing these requirements and the role of valve technology in operating successfully.

Sergei Mishin
Ensuring quality within lithium-ion battery component manufacturing

Sergei Mishin, measurement solutions sales director OEM Europe, explains how automation technology is essential to optimised, precise and safe production of anodes, cathodes and electrolytes. Global electric vehicle (EV) sales are growing and accounted for 10% of all new cars sold in 2022, but reports suggest that EV sales must increase to approximately 60% …

Emerson Exchange News Team
Poderosa Mining Company Boosts Gold Recovery and Energy Efficiency

Presenting at the Emerson Exchange EMEA 2024, Juan Rodriguez, process control supervisor at Poderosa Mining Company, outlined how the implementation of magnetic flow meters has helped to boost energy efficiency and gold recovery. Poderosa Mining is a gold processing company located in the province of Pataz, almost 320 km from the city of Trujillo, in Peru. At …

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