
DeltaV ライフサイクルサービス - DeltaV™ システムのアプリケーションホワイトリスト


しつこいサイバーの脅威により、ビジネスを守ることがますます困難になっています。DeltaV システムのアプリケーションホワイトリストは、署名の更新を必要とすることなくゼロデイ攻撃から保護し、高度な脅威を阻止することにより、不要なアプリケーションやコードからセキュリティを保護します。


Application Whitelisting for DeltaV Systems is a centrally-managed solution that blocks unauthorized executables on DeltaV servers and workstations. Powered by Trellix™, this whitelisting solution uses a dynamic trust model and innovative security features to block unauthorized applications and foil advanced persistent threats (APTs) without signatures.

Decrease risk with protection against zero-day malware: Zero-day malware is a security threat to traditional anti-virus software because of the inherent delay between discovery and patching. Whitelisting software automatically denies applications without prior authorization.

Reduce time-consuming patching cycles: Traditional anti-virus products require regular patching to maintain security against newly discovered exploits. Whitelisting gives you endpoint protection without the need for constant patching.

Automatically accept approved software: Dynamic whitelisting allows automatic acceptance of trusted applications. A dynamic trust model eliminates the labor-intensive list management of traditional whitelisting and requires negligible CPU and memory usage.
