As your experienced and knowledgeable consultative support partner, we recognize that getting the highest reliability and performance out of your automation investments requires identifying your plant’s unrealized potential. The journey to being a sustainable best-cost producer means minimizing variability associated with control strategies, controller algorithms, tuning, field devices, and process design to gain manufacturing efficiency and product quality benefits. Each time there’s variability from the expected production, your result is sub-optimal performance, throughput, and quality product.
Performance degradation happens over time and is typically an accumulation of multiple process issues that have not been addressed holistically. Getting a clear benchmark for your processes can be established using a combination of data sets from a plant walkdown, asset specifications and serial card information, service history, real-time process data, and industry standards. Our blend of technology, expertise, and enhanced automation consulting studies identify and quantify plant performance improvements that enhance operating stability to maximize your plant’s availability and profitability. We provide specific data-powered recommendations to optimize controller and instrumentation performance, and define actions for further improvements to instrumentation, process design, and control strategies which deliver a significant economic payback.
Control Valve Diagnostics
Fisher instrumentation and software are designed to help you diagnose the condition of your control valve assembly. Learn More
バルブ状態監視プログラムを導入することは、プロセスプラントを業界トップクラスの性能にするための重要なステップです。リモート監視を導入すると、ダウンタイムの短縮、作業環境の安全性向上、最終収益の上昇につながります。危険区域、時間的に制限のある停止期間、バルブ設置場所など、Emerson にはエンジニアリングのエキスパートがおり、今日のコネクテッド IIoT テクノロジーの活用を支援します。
当社のアセットマネジメントタグを使用すると、本質安全 (FM、IECEx、ATEX認証済み) かつ頑丈な無線周波数識別 (RFID) タグで設備機器のデジタル識別と追跡が可能になります。RFID タグを使用すると、アセンブリに保存されたデジタルチップに、バルブの構造、サービス情報、規制認証に関する重要な情報を保存および取得することができます。